Initiating the next stage of development of the train passenger transport connection among the capitals of the Baltic States, opened at the beginning of this year, starting from 10 February, we will ensure carriage of passengers from Riga to Valga and back by using a modern “PESA 730 ML” type diesel train leased from the Lithuanian carrier “LTG Link”, thus making the transportation in this stage more comfortable for passengers. Also the number of transfers will be reduced along the full route, retaining transfer only in Valga.
Passengers will enjoy higher level of comfort, ensured by the train’s modern interior design, tables and available range of services, having an opportunity to purchase snacks and refreshing beverages during the trip. The diesel train leased from “LTG Link” will also have a low floor, making the boarding and disembarking for passengers at the places where modernization of passenger platforms has not been completed yet more comfortable, as well as ensuring boarding and disembarking at one level with the elevated passenger platforms at Zemitāni, Cēsis and Valga stations. Thanks to the built-in ramps on the train, more comfortable carriage will be ensured also for persons in a wheelchair.
The same train will ensure carriage also to Vilnius; therefore, those passengers who will go on cross-border trips will not have to transfer in Riga anymore.
Due to the close cooperation with our Baltic partners, at the beginning of the year we collectively made a significant step towards facilitation of cross-border mobility by creating a full-fledged train transport connection among Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn. Now, in collaboration with the Lithuanian carrier we have made the next step, keeping the promise given to passengers and improving the carriage in the stage Riga–Valga, which will be still ensured by “Vivi”, but using a more modern diesel train leased from “LTG Link”, thus improving the level of comfort of passenger carriage and reducing the number of transfers. Within the framework of the connection improvement, also the ticket fares have been reduced for trips in separate stages.
Considering the level of the ensured additional services, an additional fee of 1.00 euro will apply for trips ensured by “PESA 730 ML” train. At the same time, starting from 10 February, additional trips will be provided on working days, whereas already from the end of the previous year, with coming into effect of the new winter timetable, additional trips on weekends have already been introduced, when the passenger demand is the highest; as a result, passengers will still be able to travel in the stage Riga–Valga with the current fares.
According to the approved train timetable, the operation of the daily diesel train trip from Vilnius (07.05) to Riga (11.04) ensured by the carrier “LTG Link” will be taken over at Riga Central Station by “Vivi” using its train service staff, ensuring carriage in the stage from Riga (11.16) to Valga (13.51), ensuring for passengers the possibility to transfer to the diesel train of the Estonian carrier “Elron” and continue the trip in the stage from Valga (14.10) to Tallinn (17.34). Whereas in the direction from Tallinn to Vilnius, the daily diesel train ensured by “Elron” from Tallinn (10.25) to Valga (13.49) will be aligned with “PESA 730 ML” type diesel train trip operated by “Vivi” from Valga (14.11) to Riga (16.37), the operation of which will be taken over at Riga Central Station by the Lithuanian carrier “LTG Link”, continuing carriage in the stage from Riga (16.55) to Vilnius (21.03).
The rail transport connection Vilnius–Riga–Tallinn involves the following stops:
• In the territory of Lithuania – Vilnius, Kaišiadorys, Jonava, Kėdainiai, Radvilškis, Šiauliai, Joniškis;
• In the territory of Latvia – Jelgava, Riga, Zemitāni, Jugla, Garkalne (in the direction to Vilnius), Inčukalns, Sigulda, Līgatne, Ieriķi (in the direction to Tallinn), Cēsis, Lode, Valmiera, Strenči, Lugaži;
• In the territory of Estonia – Valga, Elva, Tartu, Jõgeva, Tamsalu, Tapa, Ülemiste, Kitseküla, Tallinn.
Also, starting from 10 February, a unified international transit ticket has been introduced for trips involving more than one carrier. Whereas tickets for trips ensured by one carrier can be acquired only in the ticket sales system of the particular carrier, as well as in ticket sales platforms of other partners. By introducing the transit ticket format, also the ticket fares have been reduced for separate routes. For example, a ticket for a trip from Vilnius to Tallinn costs 39 euros, from Vilnius to Cēsis – 24 euros, from Riga to Tartu – 14.10 euros and from Riga to Tallinn – 30. 50 euros.
Currently, the unified transit tickets can be acquired using the digital sales channels of the Lithuanian carrier “LTG Link” – the website, mobile app and Google Maps platform, whereas in the nearest future transit tickets will be available also at e-ticket sales places of the Estonian carrier “Elron”.