Preventive measures in "Pasažieru vilciens" to limit the spread of coronavirus

Preventive measures in "Pasažieru vilciens" to limit the spread of coronavirus

Every day, we make sure the train journeys of our passengers are fast, safe and enjoyable. At the time when a state of emergency has been declared due to the new coronavirus, we are providing more than ever cleanliness to ensure the safety and health of our employees and customers. We keep up-to-date with all the latest information and take all precautionary measures in both staff rooms and on the trains of „Pasažieru vilciens”.

Our staff has been instructed and adheres to the highest sanitary and hygiene requirements, both personally and in terms of room and train maintenance.

  • We intensify the disinfection of the rooms and surfaces that are touched by thousands of hands every day, both at the depot and at the end stops as far as it is allowed by time and passenger flow.
  • In sanitary facilities, working areas and trains, liquid soap containers are filled with antibacterial soap.
  • Train drivers and conductors ventilate the wagons between journeys as much as possible - the windows are switched to summer mode one month earlier than usual.
  • Drivers, cashiers and conductors are provided with pocket-size hand disinfectants to use during journey operations.
  • Administration and train depot staff are provided with hand disinfectants with dispensers.
  • In order to minimize cash and human contact, paper tickets are not stamped for a limited period of time, and passengers of electric trains are also welcome to pay for their ticket using a bank card (until now it was possible only in diesel-powered trains). We also encourage passengers to purchase an e-ticket while receiving a 5 or 10% discount.

We keep a close eye on the health of our employees, and regularly share current information regarding everyone's responsible behavior towards themselves and those around us;

  • Also, before shifts, the body temperature of conductors is measured;
  • As far as possible, we work remotely and organize meetings virtually;
  • Our business trips and private holidays abroad are cancelled;
  • When returning from abroad, we observe a 14-day home quarantine - working remotely and monitoring our state of health where possible.

We care about our passengers!
JSC “Pasažieru vilciens”