Today (September 11th) we have started presale of tickets for train departures from Riga to Aglona and back on 24 September. There are three special trains set up on this date during the first part of the day allowing everyone to arrive at the venue before the Holy Mass celebrated by His Holiness Pope Francis beginning at 16:30.
Taking into consideration the increased interest in getting to the venue using public transport, JSC “Pasažieru vilciens” has arranged for six additional train departures from Riga to Aglona and back:
On 24 September, trains will depart from Riga as follows:
- at 06:47 arriving in Aglona at 10:50;
- at 07:40 arriving in Aglona at 11:55;
- at 09:02 arriving in Aglona at 12:51.
On 24 September, trains will depart from Aglona as follows:
- at 20:30 arriving in Riga at 00:13;
- at 21:30 arriving in Riga at 01:10;
- at 22:30 arriving in Riga at 02:02.
We recommend buying tickets for these departures well in advance, as the number of seats available is limited and no standing room available.
Tickets may already be purchased here, mobile app, as well as in the ticket office.
Tickets may be booked in advance by calling 90001222 (fee 0.52 EUR/min incl. VAT) every day between 7:00 – 19:00. Pre-booked tickets must be paid for no later than 45 minutes before the departure!
We kindly ask the passengers to note that for the outward journey tickets will only be sold until the final destination, Aglona (except for departure from Riga at 7:40AM), while on the way back – only from Aglona till the required destination on all the above-mentioned departures.
For the convenience of visitors, buss departures from and to Aglona Train Station will be matched with the train schedule. After the Holy Mass, we invite all the passengers to wait for their relevant bus departure, as number of seats available on these buses is limited.